
ETSI EG 201 897

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.

The present document lists the second set of network access requirements that Service Providers (SP) have in deliveringtelecommunication services including, but not limited to, second and third generation mobile, cordless and fixedservices, over one or more operator’s networks. As used here, telecommunication services include: voice telephony,multimedia and data, to name a few areas. The network requirements also include mobility-, Internet- andbroadband-related aspects that were not yet covered by the preceding EG 201 722 [3] which address the first set ofaccess requirements that Service Providers (SPs) have in delivering services over one or more PublicTelecommunications Networks (PTNs), primarily fixed PTNs, A companion document, EG 201 807 [4] addressesnetwork operators’ requirements for the delivery of service provider access.

The scope of the present document is to describe generic functional requirements regarding the service provider access(SPA). The priority of each requirement is based on the need perceived from the service provider’s viewpoint. To fulfilthese requirements, appropriate protocols may have to be enhanced or developed based on information flows and takinginto account network integrity considerations expressed in the present document.

Clause 4 contains introductory text describing the background and motivations of the second set of requirements of aSPA. Clause 5 contains a summary of requirements regarding the Service Provider Access Interface (SPAI) and aframework that helps the reader to get an overview. Clause 6 contains a description of the requirements involvingCircuit-Related (CR) and Non-Circuit Related (NCR) aspects of the SPAI.

The present document relates to the role of the SP and the role of the Public Network Operator (PNO), with therealization that market players may act in multiple roles. This is in alignment with the current EC directives.

Service interaction aspects are outside the scope of the present document.

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1 file , 270 KB
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ETSI EG 201 897
Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.