1.1This Standard applies to apparatus, including apparatus intended for professional use, that is used to transmit, receive, and process electronic signals and signals of vocal, musical, or visual origin, and which is not necessarily under the jurisdiction of a skilled person. Processing of electronic signals includes amplification, modulation, demodulation, encoding, decoding, recording, reproduction, etc. This Standard applies to apparatus that operates from a supply circuit not exceeding 120 V, in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, and which is intended to operate at voltages in addition to 120 V but not exceeding 250 V.
Notes:(1) Apparatus that is intended to operate on an extralow-voltage dc supply, as well as 120 V dc maximum, is covered by the requirements in this Standard for either mode of operation.(2) This clause is intended to include apparatus that is similar but not precisely defined in the scope.
1.2The following electronic apparatus is included in the scope of this Standard:(a) radio receivers, tuners, and similar apparatus;(b) television receivers, cameras, and similar apparatus, including remote units, portable units, and closed-circuit apparatus;(c) electronic test apparatus, amplifiers, phonographs, tape machines, and musical instruments, including electronic organs, pianos, etc.;(d) kits of parts for building electronic apparatus of the types listed in Items (a), (b), and (c);(e) modules for electronic apparatus of the types listed in Items (a), (b), and (c);(f) radio transmitters and associated control apparatus;(g) manufacturer.s recommended combinations of the above items that form a system operating from a supply circuit in accordance with Clause 1.1;(h) associated items that operate from a supply circuit in accordance with Clause 1.1 for use with apparatus referred to in Items (a) to (g);(i) electronic apparatus for testing and maintaining apparatus of the types listed in Items (a) to (h);(j) apparatus for projecting images from photographic film, including slide projectors, motion picture projectors, film strip projectors, and accessories;(k) electric and electronic clocks not including those incorporating an ac receptacle, those forming part of a master clock system, or timers within the scope of CAN/CSAC22.2 No. 177; and(l) commercial amusement apparatus, including video, bingo, poker, and pinball machines but excluding lottery-ticket-dispensing machines.
1.3This Standard also applies to electronic apparatus that is intended to be electrically connected to a telecommunication network where the function of such apparatus is dependent upon apparatus that is described in Clauses 1.1 and 1.2 of this Standard (e.g., a telephone receiver or handset that is part of and/or can only be used with a specific combined clock radio/telephone apparatus).
1.4This Standard is concerned with safety only and not with the other properties of the apparatus.
1.5This Standard does not include safety requirements that are covered by federal and provincial requirements.
- Published:
- 08/01/2004
- Number of Pages:
- 154
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