This study investigates the stresses and deflections of afloating ring gear with external splines working in a largeplanetary wheel motor of a mining truck. Such calculations carriedout with conventional engineering approaches described in popularstandards and textbooks are not comprehensive because of thecomplexity of the problem. These approaches can give us good stressnumbers for non-floating gears and some guidance about the rimthickness factor but they lack the capabilities to effectivelycalculate the deflections and their influences on the stresses,especially for floating gears. Moreover they cannot calculate anentire gearing system and the interdependent influences of thedifferent components. The model studied consists of a floating ringgear driving a torque tube. The ring gear is driven throughinternal gear meshing by three planets and it transmits the torqueto the torque tube through its external splines. The torque tubetransmits the motion to the hub and the truck tires. A nonlinearstatic analysis of the ring gear and torque tube was conducted inABAQUS. Linear 8-node hex elements and linear tetra elements wereused to model the ring gear and torque tube. External torque wasresolved into corresponding tangential force, which was thenapplied directly onto three of the ring gear’s internal teeth.Contact pairs were used to capture the load transfer between thering gear and torque tube through the splines. The results showthat the deflections in the ring gear were so excessive that aboutone-tenth of the spline teeth were actually transmitting torqueagainst the common engineering understanding that only half of thespline teeth are typically engaged. The crowning of the splineteeth had also effect on the stresses though quite small comparedto the deflections. Conclusions and recommendations were made aboutthe effectiveness of the design.
- Edition:
- 13
- Published:
- 09/01/2013
- Number of Pages:
- 11
- File Size:
- 1 file , 810 KB
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