

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $50.00.

SOFCOVER * ISBN 978-0-8169-0594-2

Included in the scope are the following general types ofclassifier equipment:

• those using gas flow, as in air separators and cyclones;

• those using liquid flow, as in hydro cyclones and screws;and

• those using solid flow, as in screens.

It is intended that the scope of this procedure be limited toclassification by size or shape, not including separation by typeof material or composition. For example, some classifiers,including the gas-and liquid-flow types, separate based oninteraction of inertial and drag forces, and inertia isaffected by density. Thus materials of different density in mixturesuch as a crushed ore would separate at different sizes in suchclassifiers. These classifiers can make only a rough separation ofsuch mixtures by either size or composition. They would separatepurely by size only a material of uniform density, and bycomposition only a material of uniform size. Screens, on the otherhand, separate primarily by a gauging action, relativelyindependent of density. See also Sect. 202.3.

This procedure is intended to be applied to particle sizeclassification equipment as distinguished from particle collectionequipment. The purpose of particle size classification is toseparate particles by size; a collection system is designed tocollect or recover as much particulate matter as possible from agas or liquid stream irrespective of size. Many of the itemsdiscussed (especially sampling, particle size analysis andperformance criteria), however, are also applicable to collectionsystems.

The major technical areas addressed herein are particlesampling, particle size measurement. And evaluationmethodology.

This procedure will be useful to the engineer who intends totest and evaluate the performance of classifiers, Moreover, inproviding a standard methodology and terminology, it shouldencourage the uniform and routine publication of usable performancedata by equipment manufacturers, to aid equipment selection.


The primary purpose of this procedure is to provide methodologyfor conducting and interpreting performance evaluation tests onparticle classification equipment. Emphasis herein is directedtoward the equipment user in assessing performance relative to thatperson’s own application. See also Sect.301.0-Objective of TestingClassifiers.

Another purpose is to adopt terminology and nomenclatureconsistent with the tow major classifier applicationindustries-namely, the chemical process and mining industries.

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Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $50.00.