

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Rather than specific instructions, a collection of techniques ispresented to guide the user. Emphasis is placed on practicalmethods that are likely to produce reliable results.

This procedure includes widely accepted nomenclature anddefinitions to assist in the collection of data and communicationof results. General methods are provided for collecting andanalyzing process results, but because of the enormous variety ofpossible applications for impeller-type mixing equipment, littlespecific detail is included.

Many useful indirect measures of process conditions involvemechanically related observations. Because mechanically soundequipment is necessary for successful process operation, manyaspects of the testing are mechanical. Observations of mechanicaloperation are also essential for long equipment life and personnelsafety.


This procedure offers methods of conducting and interpretingperformance tests on impeller-type mixing equipment.

These tests may be conducted to determine process performance,mechanical reliability, or suitability of equipment for theintended use. Since the correct identification of the “real”problem can be the most difficult part of the tests conducted onmixing equipment, several procedures follow troubleshootingtactics.

Tests may be conducted to determine scale-up or scale-downcriteria and to collect data for equipment sizing and design.

Many reasons exist for conducting performance tests. The methodspresented here should be generally applicable to most situations.Care should be taken to set testing priorities and to select themost suitable methods for a given situation.

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Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $35.00.