
ARINC 615A-3

Original price was: $302.00.Current price is: $151.00.

Purpose of this Report

This document provides general and specific design guidance forthe development of software data loading equipment for all types ofaircraft. The primary purpose of data load is to upload loadablesoftware parts to airborne computers. A secondary function of dataload is downloading data from airborne computers. Software dataload functionality generally falls into the followingcategories:

• Portable Data Loader (PDL) for loading equipment on the groundor carried onto aircraft to perform onboard loading.

• Airborne Data Loader (ADL) for installation on aircraft toperform onboard loading.

• Data Load Function (DLF) is software that performs the dataloading.

This document defines data loaders designed to load avionicsequipment over a high-speed interface using an Ethernet networkprotocol. This document defines media interfaces and protocolrequirements specific to all data load functions, whether portableor airborne. This document also describes the desired capabilitiesof data loading equipment and the standards necessary to ensureinterchangeability of equipment and mass storage media.


Earlier 615A reports defined a rigid description of an AirborneData Loader (ADL) and a Portable Data Loader (PDL) ashardware/software implementations. The term “Data Loading Function”or DLF is defined in this report to generally define a data loadingfunction implemented as a software module which may execute inhardware installed onboard the aircraft or on portable computerequipment carried onto the aircraft by maintenance personnel orused in the shop.

This edition of the report recognizes that portable data loadersare increasingly based on COTS ruggedized PC hardware that hosts asoftware-based data loading application. General requirements for aPDL are provided which can be applied to COTS or purpose-builtPDLs.

Form and fit interchangeability is specified and expected forthe ADL, but not specified for the PDL where maximum flexibility ofhardware implementation is desired.


Avionics equipment that is loadable over the ARINC 429 data buswill continue to be loaded by data loadersdefined by ARINC Report 615. ARINC Report 615A is also being usedto load avionics over other avionics buses using elements of theEthernet protocol (e.g., ARINC 615A over AFDX; ARINC 615A over CANBus).


Equipment manufacturers should note that this documentaims to encourage them to optimize the characteristics of the dataloader; ease of use, cost, maintenance, performance, weight andsize. They are at liberty to accomplish this objective by means ofdesign techniques they consider to be the most appropriate as theircustomers are interested primarily in the end result rather thanthe means employed to achieve it.

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ARINC 615A-3
Original price was: $302.00.Current price is: $151.00.