This document describes the datalink service provider systeminputs, outputs and functions from the perspective of the datalinkuser. The functions are described in the detail necessary toprovide a complete understanding of what the functions do while notrestricting the datalink service provider network internalimplementation. Where there are differences in message formats orfunctions provided between the various service providers whichaffect the datalink user interface, the differences arespecifically described.
In addition to supporting the Aircraft Communications Addressingand Reporting System (ACARS) ground interfaces, this documentexpands the service provider ground interface to support otheraircraft-ground communication solutions (e.g., Media IndependentAircraft Messaging (MIAM), defined in ARINC Specification 841).
The Extensions of DataLink Ground System Standard and InterfaceSpecification for aircraft MIAM messaging are defined in Section 7of this document.
Purpose of this Document
This document sets forth the desired interface characteristicsof the Datalink Service Provider (DSP) to the datalink user. Theintent of this document is to provide datalink users theinformation needed to develop applications and to encourageuniformity and standardization, to the extent possible, among thevarious Datalink Service Providers (DSP). This document containsgeneral and specific guidance concerning the interfaces between theDatalink Service Providers and both the airborne and grounduser.
- Edition:
- 14
- Published:
- 12/31/2014
- Number of Pages:
- 421
- File Size:
- 1 file , 3.8 MB
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