An O/S which claims to be compliant to the ARINC 653specification supports essentially all system services and datastructures, including the functional behavior defined by ARINC 653Part 1. Besides the basic services defined in ARINC 653 Part 1, thestandard is extended to include optional services (e.g. filehandling, external events, etc.) in ARINC 653 Part 2. Thedistinction between basic and optional functionality alsoestablishes different levels of compliance (basic level or basiclevel with one or more extensions).
ARINC Specification 653 Part 1 defines the basic set of servicesthat addresses the necessary functionalities for core services, aswell as the necessary facilities that have to be provided throughthe interface (API Application Programming Interface) between theapplication programs and the O/S. It describes the invocation ofthose services and the data structures with specified semantics toensure the accurate binding and running of the applications on theO/S.
These core services are grouped into the following major servicecategories:
• Partition management, which allows partitions withdifferent criticality levels to execute in the same core modulewithout affecting one another spatially or temporally.
• Process management and control, which includes all theresources necessary to manage the different processes. For exampleprocess control and process scheduling, taking into account thespecific processes attributes and process state transitions.
• Time management is one of the most critical features tobe provided by the O/S within multiple application systems. Inaccordance to the APEX philosophy time is independent of process orpartition execution. All time values are related to the core moduletime and not relative to the partition or process.
• Inter partition communication mechanisms, which allowthe communication of messages between two or more partitionsexecuting either on the same core module or on different coremodules. Intra partition communication mechanisms, which allow thecommunication of messages between processes within the samepartition without the overhead of the global message passingprocessing.
• Health Monitoring functions, which monitor and reportplatform/ application/ software faults and failures, and help toisolate faults and to prevent failures from propagating.
The goal to take a compliance test process as specified withinthis ARINC standard for an implemented O/S is to demonstrate and toprove that the interface behavior is in compliance with the ARINC653 specification. Any application, which will be installed uponthis O/S, can rely on this compliance and the portability ofapplications is more supported. A compliance demonstration finallygives more confidence to both sides, to the O/S providers, as wellas to the organization responsible to integrate the applications. Astandard specification for compliance test procedures provides aunique test scenario with predetermined conditions for all testcandidates, which increases significantly the level ofconfidence.
- Edition:
- 06
- Published:
- 10/16/2006
- Number of Pages:
- 386
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