
ARINC 842-1

Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $84.00.

This document sets forth guidance for life-cycle management ofpublic/private (i.e., asymmetric) keys that are used to secureinteractions among systems. The devices included within the scopeof this guidance.

The scope of this guidance is not intended to include:

  • Any off-board, ground-based systems, including those with whichaircraft systems and operator-controlled PEDs may communicate.Ground-based systems do not have the unique constraints andchallenges associated with global, mobile aircraft systems;therefore, they are expected to reference guidance in ATA Spec 42as applicable to typical IT environments.
  • Passenger-owned devices, which are beyond the control of theaircraft operator.
  • Operator-controlled PEDs that are treated like passenger-owneddevices.

This document is meant to be a companion to Air TransportAssociation (ATA) Spec 42, which is the work product of the ATADigital Security Working Group (DSWG). ATA Spec 42 specifies adigital identity management framework and standard digitalcertificate profiles recommended for use across the air transportindustry, as well as standard policies governing the issuance anduse of these certificates and the levels of assurance that may beconveyed in a digital identity. This document specificallyaddresses ATA Spec 42 in the context of actual aircraft deploymentby providing guidance to aircraft manufacturers, equipmentsuppliers, and operators on topics including:

Purpose and Objectives

Newer generations of aircraft in production and use today areequipped with security applications that rely on digitalcertificates. It is expected that future aircraft will usecertificates for increasing numbers of applications. The purpose ofthis document is to provide guidance for key life-cycle management,which refers to the phases through which digital certificates andassociated cryptographic keys progress, from creation through usageto retirement.

The guidance is based on open international standards that areadapted to the aviation environment, recognizing that a typicalcommercial airplane has a long lifespan, its operationalenvironment is highly complex and regulated, and multiplestakeholders operate ground-based systems that communicate withairplanes. Using a standardized and consistent key managementapproach, as proposed in this document, helps to reduce cost ofdesign, implementation, and operation even across a heterogeneousfleet.

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ARINC 842-1
Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $84.00.