
ARMY AR 380-86

Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $16.00.


This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army NationalGuard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.


This regulation—

a. Provides guidance for classification of U.S. Army formerchemical warfare materiel, chemical and biological defense, and nuclear,biological, and chemical (NBC) contamination survivability information withinthe framework of criteria set forth in AR 380-5 and Executive Order (EO)12958, as amended.

b. Concerns research, development, testing, and evaluation(RDTE), and the procurement of chemical and biological defense materiel forthe purposes not prohibited by the chemical and biological weapons armscontrol agreements. The movement and storage of former chemical warfare agentsor munitions, chemical and biological defense materiel and designs/materielfor NBC contamination survivability are also addressed. Classificationguidance for riot control agents, herbicides, conventional munitions andweapons, and smoke and incendiary agents or munitions are not included. Theseclasses of materiel are not categorized as chemical warfare materiel.

c. Provides guidance for classification of programs and plansfor which the Army is responsible as executive agent for the chemical andbiological defense program.

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1 file , 41 KB


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ARMY AR 380-86
Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $16.00.