The procedures in this regulation apply to all components of the Army.Chapter 4 provides additional guidance to the Army National Guard of theUnited States (ARNGUS) and the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) on Reserve componentstationing procedures required by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA).Both the ARNGUS and USAR will establish stationing procedures based upon thisregulation, and will forward their procedures to HQDA (DAMO-FMP) for approvalprior to publication. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower andReserve Affairs) (ASA(M&RA)) has published civilian personnel proceduresfor stationing actions that will affect civilian employees. If the stationingaction will result in civilian employee reduction in force separations or thetransfer of civilian employees outside the commuting area, see your CivilianPersonnel Advisory Center for guidance.
This regulation assigns responsibilities and prescribes policies andprocedures governing the Army stationing process. It is the goal ofHeadquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) to execute stationing actions(activations, inactivations, realignments, and relocations) at the lowest costconsistent with mission accomplishment and with the use of existing availablefacilities at the gaining installation to the maximum extent possible. Thisprocess includes publishing an overarching Army stationing strategy,developing feasible stationing alternatives, ensuring that the documentationof alternatives addresses all known costs, informing interested parties ofstationing actions, and obtaining stationing decisions and clearance from HQDAto announce and execute stationing actions.
a. This regulation applies to stationing actions affecting the ActiveArmy, its agencies, installations, activities, and units. The Chiefs of theReserve components (RCs) will use the methodology in this regulation whenapproving stationing actions for their respective commands. Stationing actionsconsist of two components: a force structure component, which addressesmanpower issues; and an installation component, which addresses facilitymanagement, to include military construction (MILCON) and facilitiesrevitalization, housing and base support, base operations (BASOPS), familyprograms, environment, audio visual/base communications (AV/BQ, and realproperty maintenance issues.
b. The purpose of stationing actions is to obtain complete coordinationof, and approval for, stationing units in support of operational requirements,supported by efficient and effective installations. This regulation is not tobe used to request approval of concept plans governed by Army Regulation (AR)71-32 that may result in stationing actions. While concept plans are notrequired solely for stationing actions, when they are required by AR 71-32 inconjunction with a stationing action, the concept plan will be approved priorto staffing and approval of the stationing action. Approved concept plansprovide the force structure that may be reflected in a stationing action. Atimeline to assist in planning for stationing actions that require conceptplan approval is at table 2-1.
c. While the primary focus of this regulation is on permanent stationingwithin the continental United States (CONUS), the stationing of unitsreturning to CONUS from permanent overseas assignment as well as from CONUS toa permanent overseas assignment is also governed by this regulation. Whendirected by HQDA, moves between locations outside the continental UnitedStates (OCONUS) will also be governed by this regulation.
d. The procedures outlined in this regulation do not apply to thesituations listed below. The planning methodology described in thisregulation, however, should be followed whenever a stationing action is beingconsidered, regardless of the source or purpose of the action. Thosesituations specifically exempted from stationing reporting procedures include:
(1) Stationing actions specifically mandated by law such as BaseRealignment and Closure (BRAC) Acts (for example, Public Laws 100-526 and101-510). These actions are classified as BRAC directed actions. Thisregulation, however, governs the status of units and organizations notspecifically provided for in a recommendation to close or realign aninstallation under base closure law. These actions are referred to as BRACdiscretionary actions since the future of the unit is within the Secretary ofthe Army’s (SA’s) discretionary authority to determine.
(2) Intra-theater overseas unit stationing actions.
(3) Units deploying from or returning to the CONUS in accordance withapplicable emergency provisions in the execution of contingency plans or forother reasons of national security.
(4) Units that temporarily move to another location, receive equipment andnew equipment training prior to returning to home station. The return to homestation does not require action under this regulation.
(5) Nonappropriated fund civilian reduction policies (see AR 215-3).
(6) Reorganizations of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
(7) Any other assignment or reduction action required by statute.
(8) Units that are temporarily relocated because of approvedconstruction/renovation of current facilities.
(9) Actions required as a result of modernization.
e. Initial identification of stationing actions by the major Army commands(MACOMs) will be done in the yearly Command Plan process.
- Edition:
- 01
- Published:
- 03/01/2001
- Number of Pages:
- 45
- File Size:
- 1 file , 420 KB
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