This regulation prescribes the policy for completing evaluationreports and associated support forms that are the basis for theArmy’s Evaluation Reporting System (ERS). This includes Departmentof the Army (DA) Form 67–10–1 (Company Grade Plate (O1-O3; WO1-CW2)Officer Evaluation Report); DA Form 67-10-2 (Field Grade Plate(O4-O5; CW3-CW5) Officer Evaluation Report); DA Form 67-10-3(Strategic Grade Plate (O6) Officer Evaluation Report); DA Form67-10-4 (Strategic Grade Plate (O7) Officer Evaluation Report),hereafter referred to collectively as DA Form 67–10 series (OfficerEvaluation Report); DA Form 67–10–1A (Officer Evaluation ReportSupport Form); DA Form 2166–8 (NCO Evaluation Report); DA Form2166–8–1 (NCOER Counseling and Support Form); DA Form 1059 (ServiceSchool Academic Evaluation Report); and DA Form 1059–1 (CivilianInstitution Academic Evaluation Report). It is linked to ArmyRegulation (AR) 600–8 and provides principles of support, standardsof service, and policy governing all work required, including Armyevaluations policy and guidance regarding redress programs, whichinclude Commander’s (CDR’s) or Commandant’s Inquiries and appeals.Procedures, tasks, and steps pertaining to the completion of eachevaluation report and support form are contained in DA Pamphlet (DAPam) 623–3. Requests for clarification or exceptions to policy willbe sent to the U.S. Army Human Resources Command (AHRC–PDV–E)(address and contact information in app F). Current information onupdated applications, policy guidance, and training are availableonline at https://www.hrc.army.mil/.
Note. DA Form 67-10 series, DA Form 2166-8, DA Form1059, and DA Form 1059-1 are hereafter referred to collectively asevaluation reports. DA Form 67-10 series is referred to as OER(officer evaluation report); DA Form 2166-8 as NCOER(noncommissioned officer evaluation report). DA Form 1059 and DAForm 1059-1 are referred to collectively as AERs (academicevaluation reports); DA Form 1059 as AER-S (Service) and DA Form1059-1 as AER-C (civilian). DA Form 67-10-1A and DA Form 2166-8-1are hereafter referred to collectively as support forms.
Applicability. This regulation applies to theRegular Army, the rmy National Guard/Army National Guard of theUnited States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated.It also applies to Department of the Army Civilians, and to U.S.Armed Forces and U.S. Coast Guard officers, officers of alliedarmed forces, and employees of the U.S. Government who serve asrating officials in the performance of their personnel managementresponsibilitiesas established by this regulation and in accordancewith applicable Joint, Department of Defense, and civilianpersonnel management policy. It does not apply to retirees orformer Soldiers. This regulation applies during mobilization inconjunction with the Personnel Policy Guidance published foreach operation and issued by Headquarters, Department of theArmy.
- Edition:
- 14
- Published:
- 03/31/2014
- Number of Pages:
- 132
- File Size:
- 1 file , 1.1 MB
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