
ARMY DA PAM 415-15

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $24.00.

This pamphlet applies to the Active Army, and U.S. Army Reserve and theArmy National Guard when they are tenants on, or occupy, Active Armyinstallations.

a. General. This pamphlet assists installation programmers in preparingand updating Department of Defense (DD) Forms 1390 and 1391 prescribed by AR415-15, and supplements AR 415-15. It provides information for individuals atall levels who are involved in military construction programming. In addition,this pamphlet explains how to utilize the DD 1391 Processor System (DD 1391Processor) to document requirements necessary for the submittal of programmingrequests for military construction projects through the development of DDForms 1391. It also permits installation programmers to update informationused as a basis for prior year submittal of the installation prioritizedconstruction list through updating of DD Forms 1390.

b. Programs. This pamphlet provides sufficient information for a beginningprogrammer to use as a reference to prepare and update DD Forms 1391 andupdate DD Forms 1390 for the Army Military Construction (MILCON) program. Thisprogram consists of Military Construction, Army (MCA); Army Family Housing(AFH); Medical Military Construction (MED MILCON); Base Realignment andClosure (BRAC); Military Construction, Army Reserve (MCAR); and MilitaryConstruction, Army National Guard (MCARNG) program projects, although thelatter two elements do not use the DD 1391 Processor system for programpreparation. It describes the complete project justification process and theautomation capability available through the DD 1391 Processor needed toprepare or update DD Forms 1390 and 1391, as well as essential data andreporting requirements. It will be useful for all persons involved in Armyconstruction program development and execution, from those who assist inproviding data to those who make decisions using results of the formspreparation. Procedural guidance contained in this pamphlet will also assistproject programmers in preparing DD Forms 1391 for Nonappropriated Funds (NAF)as well as other construction programs.

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ARMY DA PAM 415-15
Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $24.00.