
ARMY DA PAM 750-40

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $19.00.

a. RCM logic will be used by all DARCOM subordinate commands andactivities to determine a maintenance program for fieldedequipment/systems. It is provided to assist in the revision of PMCSfor fielded equipment/systems. The logic and approach are adaptedto any fielded system, including those having limited documentationof a failure data and where extensive field experience is availableto the command. In determining the maintenance program for specificequipment/systems, the logic provided in Figure 2-1 will be usedunless approval to deviate is given by HQ DARCOM. Each DARCOMmaterial readiness command is encouraged to further adopt itsfielded system RCM program in the characteristics and requirementsof the commodity.

b. RCM logic will be applied to selected items in asystem/equipment including those items which are repaired byreplacement of discreet piece parts. The goal of this maintenanceprogram is to retain the inherent reliability and operating safetyof all systems and equipment through the determination ofefficiently performed maintenance tasks. For non-development items,the procedures outlined in the manufacturers warranty will takeprecedence if there is a conflict between RCM and warrantyrequirements.

c. The application of RCM logic to Technical Manual by materielreadiness commands will be reviewed by TRADOC in accordance with AR310-3. The decision logic and Maintenance Process Analysis WorkSheets used to develop the maintenance program will be providedTRADOC along with the proposed Technical Manual.

NOTE: Appendix E of DARCOM Supplement 1 to AR 310-3″Preparation, Coordination, and Approval of Department of the ArmyPublication” provides the applicable TRADOC agencies and/or userschools that are to review the Technical Manuals along with thenumber of copies required by each agency or user school.

d. Users of this publication are encouraged to submitrecommended changes for revision and improvement of this guide. DAForm 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms)will be used and comments forwarded to Commander, US Army DARCOMMateriel Readiness Support Activity, ATTN: DRXMD-MS, Lexington, KY40511.


This pamphlet is intended for use by all Army commands havingresponsibility for materiel research, development, acquisition, andmanagement. The guidance presented in this pamphlet illustrates howthe elements of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) are planned,developed, and incorporated into maintenance plans/programs formateriel systems. Individual material developers are expected totailor the techniques to fit their particular item/systemneeds.

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ARMY DA PAM 750-40
Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $19.00.