This Nationally Adopted International Standard specifies a method for determining the sound power levelsof sound sources in situ, especially if non-movable. A comparison method is used and all measurementsare carried out in octave bands. The measurement uncertainty depends on the test environment. Themeasurement uncertainty is evaluated by comparing with an indicator describing the spatial sounddistribution. The accuracy will either be that of an engineering method or a survey method.
The sound power level of the source under test is calculated from the measured values of the soundpressure levels produced at specified measurement points by the source and by a reference sound source,respectively. The sound power level is calculated using the calibrated values of the reference sound sourceand the differences between the values obtained with the source under test and those of the referencesound source. All calculations are carried out in octave bands, from which the A-weighted sound powerlevel is determined.
- Published:
- 09/01/2002
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 33
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