
ASA S2.19-1999 (R2004)

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $60.00.

This Standard is the U.S. parallel to ISO 1940-1, Mechanical -vibration–Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors–Part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance. It is a revised version of the prior Standard ANSI S2.19-1989, of Rigid Rotors, Part 1: Determination of Permissible Residual Unbalance, and contains recommended balance tolerances for various types of rotos and a detailed explanation of how they are to be understood for selected rotor planes. This document also deals with methods of allocating the recommended permissible residual unbalance to rotors with narrowly spaced, overhung, and/or unsymmetrically located correction planes. Various representations of the same unbalance in a rigid rotor are illustrated, limitations on the deviation from the recommended tolerances are suggested, the method of determining the residual unbalance in a given rotor plane without having to rely on the balancing machine calibration is described, and errors resulting from end-drive to the rotor are identified. Requirements for marine applications have been incorporated into table 1 by specifying balance quality grade, G, requirements. Clause 10.1, Balancing Report, states what information a report should include about the balancing machine used. An appendix describes a general method for two-plane balancing.

ANSI Approved
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ASA S2.19-1999 (R2004)
Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $60.00.