The purpose of this document is to establish standard terms anddefinitions to aid in the communication of information related towelding, adhesive bonding, brazing, soldering, thermal cutting, andthermal spraying. The standard terms and definitions published inthis document should be used in the oral and written languageassociated with these related processes.
Whenever A3.0 is mentioned in this document, it refers to thelatest edition, A3.0M/A3.0:2010.
When terms from A3.0 are included in the glossary of otherdocuments, it is intended that the definitions be identical tothose in A3.0, except that the references may be changed ifappropriate.
It is one of the goals of the Definitions Subcommittee that A3.0encompass all terms, not adequately defined in the dictionary,directly related to welding or allied fields. Both standard andnonstandard jargon, as well as dialect and vernacular terms, areaccepted for inclusion in A3.0.
Since this document is a comprehensive compilation ofterminology, nonstandard terms are included with crossreferences tothe corresponding standard terms. Boldface type indicates standardterms, lightface type indicates nonstandard terms. Terms forstandard welding processes and for standard welding processvariations are followed by their standard letter designations.
For the user’s convenience, a vertical line in the margin nextto a term indicates that a revision, i.e., modification, addition,or correction, has been made. A single line denotes a minor changeto an existing definition. A double line denotes a new term or amajor change. Terms for standard processes and standard processvariations are followed by their standard letter designation. Allterms are arranged in word-by-word alphabetical sequence.
The principles applied by the Definitions Subcommittee for thecreation of terms and definitions in A3.0 are described inInformative Annex C.
This standard makes use of both the International System ofUnits (SI) and U.S. Customary Units. The latter are shown withinbrackets ([ ]) or in appropriate columns in tables and figures. Themeasurements may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each systemmust be used independently.
Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the scope ofthis standard, and therefore are not fully addressed herein. Safetyand health information is available from other sources, including,but not limited to, ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, andAllied Processes, and applicable federal and stateregulations.
- Edition:
- 12
- Published:
- 01/01/2010
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 162
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