
CAN/CGSB 9.67-94

Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $44.00.

This standard applies to mechancial content, coated offset paper used for face and back offset litho printing. This paper may not be suitable for use where permanence is a requirement. If permanence is a requirement, users should refer to the appropriate standard for permanent paper. A Canadian standard for paper permanence is in the course of preparation.

The paper supplied to this standard is for use in either web-fed or sheet-fed equipment as specified in the options paragraph and is not interchangeable between the two types of equipment. Paper that leaves the mill in rolls is not recommended for printing on sheet-fed equipment, unless it was specifically ordered for roll-fed sheet equipment.

No. 4 — preferred where improved shelf life is desired.

No. 5 — preferred where short-term use is desired.

The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use.



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CAN/CGSB 9.67-94
Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $44.00.