This standard establishes 2 methods for determining the totalamount of extractable ionic contamination on the surface of anelectrical connector or socket assembly or component.
Method A, Ionography
A test method for quantifying the extractable ioniccontamination on the surface of an electrical connector or socketassembly or component using an ionograph contamination measurementsystem as determined in sodium chloride (NaCl) equivalents.
Method B, Ion chromatography
A test method for quantifying and identifying the extractableionic species on the surface of an electrical connector or socketassembly or component using an ion chromatograph system. Ionchromatography results are reported as parts per million as ionicspecies.
The object of this test procedure is to determine the amount ofionic contamination that may be present on the surface of aconnector or socket assembly or component (either plastic ormetallic). The source of the contamination may be in the materialsof construction or in residues from manufacturing processes. Ifexcessive, the reliability of electronic equipment utilizing theconnector or socket may be compromised.
- Edition:
- 08
- Published:
- 12/01/2008
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 24
- File Size:
- 0 files
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