This test is performed to determine the effect of normalsoldering operations on component parts. Excessive changes inelectrical characteristics or mechanical damage to a component partare often caused by the short-time application of high heat, suchas is applied to integral component terminastions by a solderingiron or a solder-bath dip in assembly operations. The effect ofsoldering test is intended to simulate these manufacturingconditions and detect faults in component parts which otherwise maynot be noticed until after final equipment assembly.
NOTE 1: (For a test for determining the ability of componentpart terminations to accept solder, see EIA Standard RS-178-A,Solderability Test Standard.)
NOTE 2: (A recommended solder is one in accordance with ASTMB32, Grade A, having a nominal composition of 60% tin and 40%lead.)
- Edition:
- E
- Published:
- 10/01/1978
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 4
- File Size:
- 0 files
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