This standard applies to the clearance of items and materialsfrom areas controlled to protect individuals from exposure toradiation or radioactive material during or after operations. Thisstandard establishes a primary radiation dose criterion and derivedscreening levels for surface and volume radioactivity for groups ofradionuclides.
The following are not included in the scope of thisstandard:
1. naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in bulk;
2. radioactive materials in or on persons, including 40K in thebody;
3. release of a licensed or regulated site or facility;
4. radioactive materials on or in foodstuffs;
5. release of land or soil intended for agriculturalpurposes;
6. clearance issues related to national defense or security;
7. process gases and liquids, including those discharged inaccordance with federal or state license requirements;
8. radioactive material in transport in accordance withDepartment of Transportation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(USNRC), or U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) regulations; and
9. radioactive materials at concentrations or quantitiesgoverned by regulations or exemption or exclusion.
This clearance standard is not intended as a substitute forradiological criteria for decommissioning or for interventioncriteria during cleanup projects. This standard provides screeninglevels, which are protective of the public health, for theclearance of items or materials
- Edition:
- 13
- Published:
- 01/01/2013
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 54
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