Radiological surveys are performed by making in situmeasurements of radiation and radioactivity and by collecting mediasamples for subsequent radiological analyses by a measurementsystem in the field or laboratory. This standard addresses thespecific measurement and sampling tasks that compose a radiologicalsurvey, such as air sampling, surface activity measurements, doseand exposure rate measurements. The documentation of surveysincludes the use of consistent nomenclature and units for recordsand a standardized methodology for calculating minimum detectableconcentration levels. The standard is not intended to replaceexisting requirements for design or strategies for performingspecific radiological surveys, e.g., final status or compliancedemonstration surveys for remediated sites, and operational surveysto demonstrate radiological control. This standard identifies thesurvey tasks used in most radiological surveys, and providesdetails on how these survey tasks are performed and documented. Theinformation provided in this standard is intended to be used in thedevelopment of procedures for the various radiological surveyprograms. This standard is not intended for external/internaldosimetry programs nor to replace requirements already establishedfor environmental monitoring surveys or radioactivitydeterminations.
- Edition:
- 01
- Published:
- 04/13/2001
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 37
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