This standard establishes guidance for the design and use ofinstallations that use x-ray– generating devices and sealedgamma-ray sources of energies up to 10 MeV for non-medicalpurposes. Devices that produce photon radiation within this energyrange that are merely incidental to use are not included within thescope. The standard’s main objectives are to keep the exposure ofpersons to radiation to levels as low as reasonably achievable(ALARA) and to ensure that no one receives a dose equivalentgreater than the maximum permissible dose equivalent. Theseobjectives may be achieved by the use of engineered controls, firmmanagement controls, safe operating procedures, appropriateequipment, and a comprehensive maintenance and surveillanceprogram. Annexes contain technical information useful for design ofradiation shielding.
It should be noted that this standard covers a range ofradiation sources similar to that of ANSI/HPS N43.11, “SafeOperating Practice for Non-Medical X-ray Radiographic andRadioscopic Equipment.” ANSI/HPS N43.3-2008 is appropriate for useby technical experts for the design of installations and for theestablishment of radiation protection programs. It is useful onlyto a limited extent for day-to-day operation of facilities. It isrecommended that ANSI/HPS N43.11 be consulted for routineoperational use.
Those recommendations containing the word “shall” identifyrequirements that are necessary to meet the standards of protectionin this document. Those using the word “should” indicate advisoryrecommendations that are to be applied when practical.
- Edition:
- 08
- Published:
- 01/01/2008
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 79
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