This NCITS SDSFIE Standard provides a means to model and categorize real-world geographic phenomenaof interest to the Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (FIE) Domain(s) into a set of geographicdata that can be represented in a spatial database and presented to a user in digital form. This SDSFIEstandard is intended to provide the enterprise spatial database schema to support multiple FIE applications.The SDSFIE Feature Catalog was designed to support (but not limited to) large-scale, i.e., 1:4800(1 inch = 400 feet) to 1:600 (1 inch = 50 feet), FIE lifecycle management applications, i.e., architectural/engineering/construction (A/E/C) and Facilities Management (FM). The following are examples ofsome of the FIE applications that the SDSFIE was designed to support: Airfield Operations, Communication& Navigation, Engineering, Environmental (Compliance, Restoration, Pollution Prevention), EnergyPlanning, Fire Protection, Future Development Planning, Land Use Plans, Transportation System, andUtilities Systems.
This National Standard is applicable to the federal, state, county, and city agencies; private companies;and any other organizations that perform A/E/C & FM functions for facilities and other types of infrastructure(such as roads, waterways, utility systems, etc,) and/or perform environmental compliance, restoration,and/or pollution prevention activities.
- Published:
- 11/30/2001
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 18
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