Solutions to problems involving the body assemblies, actuatorsand accessories of control valves, as well as an overview of valvedesign and construction, this reference book includes discussionsof applications, safety, troubleshooting, maintenance, testing,standards, valve-related computer programs, and regulators, as wellas specific considerations that should assist instrument engineersin the selection of the best valve body, actuator and accessoriesfor their applications. This title provides applications-orientedcoverage of final control elements by documenting the uniqueexperiences and methods of individual industry experts. Eachchapter in this text is based on the author’s personal experienceand reflects practical guidance based on his knowledge. The 21contributors focus on the particular industries that best showcasetheir own expertise, covering a broad spectrum of models,applications, and consequences of valve systems. Chapters arecross-referenced so that readers will be aware of other points ofview and related considerations in other industries.
- Edition:
- 98
- Published:
- 01/01/1998
- Number of Pages:
- 758
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