
ISA 20

Original price was: $476.00.Current price is: $238.00.

These forms are intended to assist the specification writer topresent the basic information. In this sense they are “short-form”specifications or “check sheets” and may not include all necessaryengineering data or definitions of application requirements. Whilethe types of instruments described by these forms are more commonto the process industries the forms should also prove useful inother areas if special requirements are defined elsewhere.

Some forms consist of a primary sheet and a secondary(tabulation) sheet. The primary sheet may be used by itself tospecify a single instrument or to specify general requirements fora series of similar instruments which are then tabulated on thesecondary sheet.

The heading used on all forms is designed to permit the user toadd company name, plant location, trade mark, or specific projectdata.

The specification forms included in this standard are intendedto cover the most commonly used instruments. The list is not acomplete catalog of instruments and control valves available. It isintended that new forms shall be added with each general revisionof this standard.

An instruction sheet is provided for each form to explain theterms used and the intended procedure. The instructions are keyedto the form by reference to the line numbers. The Committee hasminimized dependence on the instruction sheet since the forms arefrequently reprinted and used without the instructions. Theexplanation is omitted where the meaning is felt to be obvious.

Instrument specifications may be prepared by the use ofAutomatic Data Processing (ADP) techniques. The format of suchspecifications may be modified in order to be compatible with ADPmachine capabilities. However, general consistency with thisStandard shall be retained.


The purpose of this standard is to promote uniformity ininstrument specifications, both in content and form. Because of thecomplexity of present day instruments and controls it is desirableto have some type of specification form to list pertinent detailsfor use by all interested parties. General use of these forms byusers and manufacturers offers many advantages, as listedbelow:

1) Assists in preparation of complete specification by listingand providing space for all principal descriptive options.

2) Promotes uniform terminology*.

3) Facilitates quoting, purchasing, receiving, accounting andordering procedures by uniform display of information.

4) Provides a useful permanent record and means for checking theinstallation.

5) Improves efficiency from the initial concept to the finalinstallation.

*Where applicable, the terminology used is in accordance withAmerican National Standards C85.1-1963, “Terminology for AutomaticControl,” sponsored by the American Society of MechanicalEngineers.

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ISA 20
Original price was: $476.00.Current price is: $238.00.