
ISA 5.1

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $30.00.


This standard is intended to meet the different procedures ofvarious users who need to identify and graphically depictmeasurement and control equipment and systems. These differencesare recognized when they are consistent with the objectives of thisstandard, by providing alternative symbol and identificationmethods.

A limited number of examples are provided that illustrate howto:

a) Design an identification system and construct anidentification number.

b) Use graphic symbols to construct:

1) Instrumentation schematic diagrams of the instruments,devices, and functions required for monitoring and controlloops.

2) Functional diagrams of instruments, loops, and applicationsoftware functions.

3) Binary logic diagrams.

4) Ladder diagrams of electrical circuits.

c) Add information and simplify diagrams.

Examples of identification and symbol applications are intendedto illustrate basic concepts in the construction of theidentification systems and diagrams covered by this standard thatare applicable to all user industries.


This standard establishes a uniform means of depicting andidentifying instruments or devices and their inherent functions,instrumentation systems and functions, and application softwarefunctions used for measurement, monitoring, and control, bypresenting a designation system that includes identificationschemes and graphic symbols

ANSI Approved
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1 file , 690 KB


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ISA 5.1
Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $30.00.