
ISA 61241-2

Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $90.00.

This standard gives requirements on the design,construction, testing and marking of electrical apparatus for usein combustible dust atmospheres in which a protective gas (air orinert gas), maintained at a pressure above that of the externalatmosphere, is used to prevent the entry of dust which mightotherwise lead to the formation of a combustible mixture withinenclosures which do not contain a source of combustible dust.

This standard contains the specific requirements forconstruction and testing, including protective requirements thatapply to electrical apparatus with type of protectionpressurization “pD” intended for use in potentially combustibledust atmospheres.

This standard includes the requirements for the construction ofthe enclosure and its associated components, including, if any, theinlet and outlet ducts for the protective gas, and for the safetyprovisions and devices necessary to ensure that pressurization isestablished and maintained for type of protection pressurization”pD”.

Requirements for pressurized enclosures with an internal sourceof dust release are not included in this standard.

This standard does not cover the requirements for pressurizedrooms with or without internal sources of dust release.

This standard does not apply to dusts of explosives which do notrequire atmospheric oxygen for combustion or to pyrophoricsubstances.

This standard does not cover combined gas and dust hazard. Thoserequirements are under consideration.

The requirements contained in this standard are supplementary tothose in ANSI/ISA-61241-0.

ANSI Approved
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1 file , 210 KB


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ISA 61241-2
Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $90.00.