This technical report provides an overview of the benefits, bestpractices, and language, including terms and definitions, forapplying procedure automation across the continuous processindustries. In agreement with the scope of the ISA106 Committee,this technical report focuses on automated procedures thatprimarily reside on systems within the supervisory control,monitoring, and automated process control section (as defined byISA-95 functional levels 1 and 2 – see clause 2, References) of aproduction process (as defined by ISA-95 functional level 0). Itwas not the intent of the committee to have this technical reportfocus on procedure execution at the operations managementfunctional level (as defined by ISA-95 level 3). The interactionwith manual procedures is within the scope, but manual proceduresare outside the scope of this technical report.
Additionally, the focus of this technical report is oncontinuous processes. However, the contents of the technical reportmay be used in other types of process control such as batch ordiscrete.
The technical report is intended to be applicable to processcontrol activities within the basic process control system (BPCS)and its interactions with safety instrumented systems (SIS).Required safety instrumented functions (SIFs) should be analyzedand implemented in accordance with ISA-84 (see clause 2). Sinceautomated procedures often interact with SIS, the creation ofautomated procedures should be performed in close cooperation withSIS implementation teams.
- Edition:
- 13
- Published:
- 08/01/2013
- Number of Pages:
- 62
- File Size:
- 1 file , 700 KB
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