Toxic gas detection in process safety management providespersonnel protection by minimizing the probability of toxic gasesreaching hazardous levels. Criteria are developed to establishtoxic gas levels to initiate alarms, initiate increase inventilation rates and to initiate shutdown of processes generatingthe toxic gas that has breached containment. This guide providestechniques for the use of toxic gas sensors and controllers tomonitor and control sources of toxic gas release into theatmosphere within designated spaces in industrial locations.
This document provides guidance on the use of toxic gasdetection as a method of personnel protection as discussed withinthe following:
• Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.1000 Sub Part ZToxic and Hazardous Substances (OSHA).
1910.1000 (a) An employee’s exposure to any substance listedin Tables Z-1, Z-2, or Z-3 of this section shall be limited inaccordance with the requirements of the following paragraphs ofthis section
To achieve compliance with paragraphs (a) through (d) ofthis section, administrative or engineering controls must firstbe determined and implemented whenever feasible. When suchcontrols are not feasible to achieve full compliance, protectiveequipment or any other protective measures shall be used to keepthe exposure of employees to air contaminants within the limitsprescribed in this section. Any equipment and/or technical measuresused for this purpose must be approved for each particular use by acompetent industrial hygienist or other technically qualifiedperson. Whenever respirators are used, their use shall comply with1910.134.
NOTE 1 Refer to Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1000 for full guidanceprovided in the document.
NOTE 2 The tables in sub part Z which apply to toxic gas limitsare Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants and Table Z-2 TWA’s andCeiling Concentrations.
This document provides guidance on the use of fixed, portableand transportable toxic gas detection equipment for protection ofpersonnel in industrial locations. NOTE Applicable toxic gasdetection equipment performance standards include ANSI/ISA-92.00.01and ANSI/ISA-92.00.04.
This document provides guidance on the use of toxic gasdetection as a supplement in adequately ventilated spaces.
For the purpose of this document, equipment includes fixedequipment; portable equipment; and transportable equipment.
This document is not intended to cover the following:
a) Equipment intended only for the detection of combustiblegases (refer to ANSI/ISA- 12.13.01)
b) Equipment of laboratory or scientific type intended only foranalysis or measurement purposes
c) Equipment intended for mining applications
d) Equipment intended for applications in explosives processingand manufacturing
e) Equipment intended only for process control applications.
- Edition:
- 14
- Published:
- 06/15/2014
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 30
- File Size:
- 1 file , 540 KB
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