With today’s powerful computers and sophisticated testing methods, new formulation for predicting the structural response of concrete structures to creep and shrinkage of concrete are emerging.Actual structural behavior can now be predicted by mathematicalmodeling of material behavior. This special publication provides the means for better understanding the important creep and shrinkage characteristics of concrete. Ten papers cover a variety of topics including the theoretical and experimental parts of the long-term behavior of a railway bridge, results for creep in reinforced and prestressed concrete columns, long-term behavior of prestressed concrete beams, evaluation of creep and shrinkage deflection of reinforced concrete members, the rational and approximate methods for time-dependent deflection of prestressed concrete members, predicting and testing for creep and shrinkage, computing stress and strain, and time-dependent analysis for partially prestressed composite members.
- Published:
- 10/01/2002
- Number of Pages:
- 191
- File Size:
- 1 file , 2.6 MB
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Russia, Belarus
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