

Original price was: $272.00.Current price is: $136.00.

1. OVERVIEW FOR TIA-470 STANDARDS The TIA-470 structure isprovided in the “Document Structure for TIA-470” clause of thisdocument. This structure provides improved document flexibility,allowing revisions of each particular Section to be handled in amore efficient process. This enables additional requirements to bedeveloped and placed into the new document structure without havingthe entire document revised.

2. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE FOR TIA-470 The TIA-470 document ispublished as a series of sub-documents each containing informationpertaining to a particular aspect of performance. The sub-documentnumber listed does not include the current revision suffix (e.g.”-A”, “-B”, etc.). The reader should check for the most recentversion of each subdocument.

2.1. SUB-DOCUMENT TIA-470.000, OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE STANDARDSFOR ANALOG TELEPHONES This sub-document provides an overview of theanalog telephone performance standards and contains a detailedlisting of the sub-documents.

2.2. SECTION TIA-470.100, ACOUSTIC TRANSMISSION PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS FOR ANALOG TELEPHONES This Section contains theAcoustic Transmission Performance Requirements for AnalogTelephones and includes the following sub-documents:

  • TIA-470.110 Handset Acoustic Performance Requirements forAnalog Telephones
  • TIA-470.120 Speakerphone Acoustic Performance Requirements forAnalog Telephones
  • TIA-470.130 Transmission Requirements For Analog Telephoneswith Headsets

2.3. SECTION TIA-470.200, ELECTRICAL-INTERFACE PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS FOR ANALOG TELEPHONES This Section contains theElectrical-Interface Performance Requirements for Analog Telephonesand includes the following sub-documents:

  • TIA-470.210 Resistance and Impedance Performance Requirementsfor Analog Telephones
  • TIA-470.220 Alerter Acoustic Output Performance Requirementsfor Analog Telephones
  • TIA-470.230 Network Signaling Performance Requirements forAnalog Telephones.

2.4. SECTION TIA-470.300, TELEPHONY FEATURES PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS FOR ANALOG TELEPHONES This Section contains theTelephony Features Performance Requirements for Analog Telephonesand includes the following sub-documents:

  • TIA-470.310 Cordless Telephone Range MeasurementProcedures
  • TIA-470.320 Cordless Telephone Operation and FeaturePerformance Requirements
  • TIA-470.330 Telephone Answering Device PerformanceRequirements
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Original price was: $272.00.Current price is: $136.00.