

Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $65.00.


Gear noise has been a problem associated with mechanicalequipment for decades with interests in this area steadilyincreasing in recent years, especially in the automotive andaerospace industries. In response to this increased interest in thereduction of gear noise, there has been a corresponding increase inthe technical literature published on this subject [Houser 1987].Much of this literature deals with analytical and computer modelsfor the prediction of noise generated by a gearbox and theoptimization of gear noise excitation. There has also beenconsiderable experimental research in the area of gear noise. Themajority of this research has dealt directly with the analysis ofspecific problems involving gear noise generated by existingmechanical equipment. Experimental results which attempt tocorrelate levels of gear noise excitation with the physical designparameters of a gear pair running under various operatingconditions is rather scarce. This information is essential inaiding the gear designer striving to reduce noise and to verify thevast amounts of analytical research that have already beenperformed.

In this study, a gear noise test facility was constructed whichis currently being used to perform parametric studies on theeffects of various gear design parameters, mounting conditions, andoperating environments on the dynamic performance of a gear pair.The facility is oriented towards the testing of automotive typegears. This paper is concerned primarily with the development ofthe test facility and the measurement of several physicalparameters which may be used to evaluate the dynamic performance ofa gear pair. However, only limited experimental data is presented.Detailed parametric studies and the refinement of the variousmeasurement techniques described here will be presented at a laterdate.

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Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $65.00.