ISBN 978-0-8169-0623-9
The Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis System is a step-by-stepobjective evolution of the realistic fire, explosion and reactivitypotential of process equipment and its contents. The quantitativemeasurements used in the analysis are based on historic data, theenergy potential of the material under study, and the extent towhich loss prevention practiced are currently applied.
The purpose of the F&FI system is to:
1. QUANTIFY the expected damage of potential fire, explosion andreactivity incidents in realistic terms.
2. IDENTIFY equipment that would be likely to contribute to thecreation or escalation of an Incident.
3. COMMUNICATE the F&E1 risk potential to management.
Beneath all the numbers, graphs and figures, however, lies themost important goal of the F&EI System — to makethe engineer aware of the loss potential of each processarea and to help the engineer identify ways to lessenthe severity and resultant dollar loss of potential incidents in anefficient and cost effective manner.
The F&EI is used in the Dow Risk Review Process.Determination of the F&EI must be done in conducting a ProcessHazard Analysis or Level I Risk Review.
Insurance company assessment of potential exposures is typicallybased on the worst imaginable incident. They might anticipate, forexample, that the complete contents of a reactor dump couldvaporize instantaneously and ignite; and their insurance lossestimates, which are determined in part from this king of analysis,can be extremely large. From a realistic point of view, this kindof situation is rare.
The Dow F&EI systems attempts to determine therealistic maximum loss that can occur toa process plant (or process unit) or related facility — a loss thatcould actually be experienced the mostadverse operating conditions. The calculation is based onquantifiable data. Finite spill rates, process temperature inrelation to material flash points and boiling points and reactivityare just a few of the many contributors to a probable incident.
Although the F&EI system is primarily designed for anyoperation in which a flammable, combustible or reactive material isstored, handled or processed, it may also be used in analyzing theloss potential of sewage treating facilities, distribution systems,pipelines, rectifiers, transformers, boilers, thermal oxidizers andcertain elements of power plants. The system can also be used forrisk evaluations of small process with modest inventories ofpotentially hazardous materials; its application to pilot plants isstrongly recommended. The system can be applied if handling aminimum of approximately 1,000 Ib (454 Kg) of a flammable orreactive material.
A word of caution is in order forthose planning to use the F&EI system for the risk evolution offacilities. Common sense and good judgment must be used during theactual calculation and in the interpretation of its results.Process hazards that contribute to the magnitude and probability oflosses have been quantified as “penalties” to provide factors forcomputation. Not every penalty may be applicable to a specificsituation and perhaps some may have to be adjusted.
- Edition:
- 7
- Published:
- 01/01/1994
- Number of Pages:
- 88
- File Size:
- 1 file , 4.4 MB
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