
ARINC 424-20

Original price was: $246.00.Current price is: $123.00.

Purpose of this document

This document sets forth the air transport industry’srecommended standards for the preparation of airborne navigationsystem reference data files. The data on these files are intendedfor merging with airborne navigation computer operational softwareto produce media for use by such computers on board aircraft. Sincethe industry does not desire to standardize the operationalsoftware of these computers, this merging process is not describedin this document, nor do the standards set forth necessarily applyto the aircraft employed data.

The data bases prescribed by this document are also used bycomputer flight planning systems, flight simulators, and otherapplications.

The purpose of the ARINC 424 Navigation System Data BaseStandard is to be an enabling document. It enables data basesuppliers, avionics systems, and other users of the data bases tofly and flight plan procedures as prescribed by proceduredesigners.

The document is not meant to be a prescriptive document forprocedure designers. This document is also not a requirementsdocument for airborne navigation systems.

Procedures that are not compatible with this data base standardin some cases cannot be coded for inclusion in some airborne databases.

Coverage of Flight Simulator Needs

Supplement 4 to this document added material related to thespecial navigation data base needs of flight simulators. Theapproach taken, i.e., the definition of three new subsections tothe master file and the exploitation of previously unusedcontinuation record capability, was designed to ensure that userswho wish to continue using the document solely as the basis forsupporting airborne navigation system operation can do so withoutsimulator related records nor be concerned that the software usedto merge Specification 424 data with airborne equipment operationalsoftware will need modification as the result of the changes. Userswho wish to support both airborne navigation system and flightsimulator operations can also do so without having to modify thismerging software. Only the simulator navigation data base compilersneed take into account the presence of the simulator relatedcomponents in the input (Specification 424) data.

Coverage of Flight Planning Needs

Supplement 5 of this document added material related to thespecial navigation data base needs to flight planning computersystems. The approach taken, i.e., the definition of the newmaterial and the exploitation of previously unused continuationrecord capability, was designed to ensure that users who wish tocontinue using the document solely as the basis for supportingairborne navigation system operations can do so without penalty.Such users need not obtain the flight planning related records norbe concerned that the software used to merge Specification 424 datawith airborne equipment operational software will need modificationas the result of the changes. Users who wish to support bothairborne navigation system and flight planning system operationscan also do so without having to modify this merging software. Onlythe flight planning navigation data base systems need to take intoaccount the presence of the flight planning related components inthe input (Specification 424) data.

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1 file , 14 MB


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ARINC 424-20
Original price was: $246.00.Current price is: $123.00.