

Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $84.00.

Scope and Intent

The use of aircraft-derived software in FSTDs has becomeincreasingly widespread as greater numbers of software-basedfunctions are integrated into the aircraft design itself. This hasraised regulatory and safety-oriented questions about softwaremanagement on these devices.

This document provides guidance to the flight simulationindustry concerning aspects of the integration and management ofaircraft-derived software on flight training devices. This includessoftware configuration management, software change management,software distribution, software impacts on regulatory approval, andsoftware storage best practices in relation to FSTDs.

In addition, since FSTDs for operational reasons do notnecessarily exactly represent an existing aircraft tail number interms of aircraft software versions, the use of such softwareimplies the need to address the compatibility and coherence ofdifferent software elements, as well as address the issues ofinterface management, versioning, and software selected aircraftoptions.

This document is not intended to encompass the configuration andcontrol of the software used in the simulator that is not relateddirectly to the aircraft software parts. Therefore, software insupport of the Training Device Manufacturers (TDM) simulatoroperation or any aircraft physical simulation models is not in thescope of this report.

This document does not address the contractual issues associatedwith software. The rights, licenses, and intellectual propertyentitlements are not in this report. For such issues, referenceARINC Report 667: Guidance for the Managementof Field Loadable Software.

Loadable Software Aircraft Part (LSAP) dependent can mean a fewdifferent things. In the context of a model it can mean either themodel is simulating some LSAPs (i.e., an LSAP dependent on thoseLSAPs it models) or the model requires other LSAPs for it tofunction.

The subject is extremely complex and this document thereforefocuses on a specific audience: one that owns or operates an FSTD.Much of the material is, however, equally applicable to TDMs andairframe manufacturers. Every effort has been made to maintain aclear focus on the topics as they relate to this audience.

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Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $84.00.