
ARINC 664P2-2

Original price was: $246.00.Current price is: $123.00.

The aeronautical industry has recognized the need to applystandard communications protocols and services using the OSIReference Model. The aeronautical industry has chosen to implementstandard protocols within their data communications systems, asappropriate, and to use products and services which have alreadybeen developed in accordance with appropriate existing,internationally-accepted, data-communications standards.

The aeronautical industry also recognizes that certainapplications that utilize data communications do not have welldefined nor widely used solutions within the strict context of theOSI Reference Model. Often they have no solution at all using theOSI standard protocols. The aeronautical industry has, therefore,decided not to limit the middle and upper layer protocolsassociated with this Specification to those conforming to the OSIprotocol suite as defined by ISO.

The OSI Reference Model was developed to provide a common basisfor the coordination of standards development for the purpose ofintegrating data communications systems. The OSI Reference Modelitself does not achieve the goal of interoperability; however, itdoes serve as the catalyst to enable independent development ofstandard protocols that ultimately achieve the goal ofinteroperability within the selected protocol stack (for example,OSI, TCP/IP, or others). Part 2 is based on IEEE Standard 802.3,2005 Edition.

Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to define Ethernet physicalparameters and data link layer specifications for use in acommercial aircraft environment. It provides general and specificguidelines for the use of IEEE 802.3 compliant Ethernet. PhysicalLayer and Medium Access Control sublayers are expected to complywith the Open System Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model.

It is the intention of this document to deviate as little aspossible from the existing applicable IEEE and ISO standards,thereby enabling maximal utilization of offthe- shelf components,both hardware and software, for aviation use. Part 1 of ARINCSpecification 664 provides an overview of an Ethernet data network.This document, Part 2, is the second part of a multi-partstandard.

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1 file , 1.2 MB


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ARINC 664P2-2
Original price was: $246.00.Current price is: $123.00.