
ARMY AR 190-45

Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $29.00.


This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army NationalGuard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. ArmyReserve, unless otherwise stated. Also, Department of the Armycivilian police and security guard activities and contracted orcontractor security force operations and activities. It alsoapplies to the Army National Guard of the United States whenfederalized under title 10, United States Code. This regulation isrequired during mobilization. Chapters 10–12 apply to misdemeanoroffenses committed on United States Army installations in theUnited States and its territories that have a U.S. MagistrateCourt. Chapters 10–12 apply to U.S. Army Military Police,Directorates of Law Enforcement and Security, Department of theArmy civilian police and security guard activities, and contractedand contractor security force operations when authorized to issueviolation notices.


This regulation—

a. Prescribes policies, procedures and responsibilitieson the preparation, reporting, use, retention, and disposition ofDA Form 3975 (Military Police Reports) (MPRs) and documents relatedto law enforcement activities, DA Form 3975–1 (Military PoliceReport-Additional Offenses), DA Form 3975–2 (Military PoliceReport-Additional Subjects), DA Form 3975–3 (Military PoliceReport-Additional Victims), DA Form 3975–4 (Military PoliceReport-Additional Persons Related to Report), and DA Form 3975–5(Military Police Report-Additional Property).

b. Implements crime reporting requirements of theUniform Federal Crime Reporting Act (Title 10, United States Code,Section 534 (10 USC 534)), the Brady Handgun Violence PreventionAct (18 USC 922), and the Victim Rights and Restitution Act (42 USC10601).

c. Prescribes policies and procedures for submittingcriminal history data (fingerprint cards) to the Criminal JusticeInformation Systems (CJIS) Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI).

d. Mandates the use of the Centralized OperationsPolice Suite (COPS) Military Police Reporting System (MPRS) as theautomated reporting System to standardize law enforcement reportingthroughout the Army providing commanders, Headquarters, Departmentof the Army (HQDA), and the Department of Defense (DOD) a record ofMPRs and services.

e. Prescribes responsibilities and updates policy andprocedures for reporting serious incidents within the Department ofthe Army (DA). The Serious Incident Report (SIR) System—

(1) Provides early notice to HQDA that a serious incident hasoccurred or will have occurred.

(2) Provides the chain of command with timely information torespond to queries from DOD, news media, and others.

(3) Meets law enforcement reporting requirements for selectedcriminal incidents and provides law enforcement personnel such asthe Department of Homeland Security and Transportation SecurityAdministration the most current information available.

(4) Is not designed to be used for statistical comparison ofcommands.

(5) Is not intended to include reporting of all criminalacts.

f. Provides policies and procedures for Armyparticipation in the CJIS, National Crime Information Center (NCIC)of the FBI. It supplements standards and procedures established inthe NCIC Operating Manual and the National Law EnforcementTelecommunications Systems (NLETS) Operating Manual.

g. Sets forth policies and procedures for the handlingof misdemeanors referred to U.S. Magistrates or District Courts. Itpertains to petty offenses and other misdemeanors, including, butnot limited to, most moving and standing traffic violations andcertain violations of conservation, environmental protection, andsafety laws committed by service members and civilians on militaryinstallations.

h. Assigns the geographic areas of responsibility tospecific installation Provost Marshals (PMs)/Directors of EmergencyServices (DES).

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ARMY AR 190-45
Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $29.00.