
ARMY AR 37-200

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $24.00.

a. The provisions of this regulation are applicable to all elements of theArmy, including the Army National Guard and the US Army Reserve, that haveresponsibility for or association with the acquisition process.

b. This regulation is used to disseminate within the Army certain policiesand procedures which DOD has developed, coordinated with industry, andpublished in DOD instructions, including the Defense Acquisition Regulation(DAR)(formerly the Army Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR)) and thedocuments contained in appendixes A through F of this regulation. Itsapplication to private firms that are or will be under contract with the Armywill be in accordance with the terms of specific contracts.

This regulation-

a. Prescribes Department of the Army policies, assigns responsibilities,and establishes procedures for implementing Department of Defense instructionson developing and operating management and information systems in theacquisition (development and production) process, with emphasis on therelationship between contractors and the Army.

b. Implements DOD Instruction (DODI) 7000.2, DODI 7000.3, DODI 7000.10,and DODI 7000.11, which are elements of the Selected Acquisitions Informationand Management Systems (SAIMS). The cited DOD instruction set forth policiesand procedures governing those acquisition management control systems thathave been developed to meet the management needs of the Secretary of Defense,the Secretary of the Army, and of other Army officials, particularly projectsmanagers who have responsibilities for or relevant to materiel acquisition,including use of reports.

a.The provisions of this regulation are applicable to all elements of the Army, including the ArmyNational Guard and the US Army Reserve, that have responsibility for or association with the acquisition process.

b.This regulation is used to disseminate within the Army certain policies and procedures which DOD hasdeveloped, coordinated with industry, and published in DOD instructions, including the Defense AcquisitionRegulation (DAR)(formerly the Army Service Procurement Regulation (ASPR)) and the documents contained inappendixes A through F of this regulation.Its application to private firms that are or will be under contract with the Army will be in accordance with the terms of specific contracts.

a. Resource management systems within DOD are grouped into the followingcategories (as shown in fig. 1-1).

(1) Programming and Budgeting Systems.

(2) Operations Management Systems.

(3) Inventory Management Systems.

(4) Acquisition Information and Management Systems.

b. This regulation is concerned with the control and application ofselected Aquisition Information and Management Systems which involve thecontractor-Army relationship in the acquisition process—entitled theSelected Acquisition Information and Management Systems (SAIMS). Althoughthese systems complement each other, each is governed separately by the DODinstruction listed below:

(1)DODI 7000.2, Performance Measurement for Selected Acquisitions (app A.)

(2)DODI 7000.10, Contract Cost Performance, Funds Status, andCost/Schedule Status Reports (app B).

(3)DODI 7000.11, Contractor Cost Data Reporting (app C).

(4)DODI 7000.3, Selected Acquisition Reports (app D).

c. DOD directive material is reproduced verbatim in appendixes A through Eto provide a full understanding of the objectives of the Secretary of Defenseand the approach to industry to be taken in this area. Army implementation islimited to instructions such as designations and delegations of authority,assignment of responsibility, work flow procedures, and internal reportingrequirements, consistent with Defense Acquisition Regulation (DAR)1-108(a)(i).


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ARMY AR 37-200
Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $24.00.