
ARMY AR 385-63

Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $18.00.

Applicability. This regulation/order applies tothe active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of theUnited States, and the U.S. Army Re – serve, unless otherwisestated. It also applies to the following: the United StatesMilitary Academy; Department soft he Army and the Navy civilianemployees and contractors; Reserve Officers’ Training Corpsstudents training on Army or Marine Corps controlled ranges; theMarine Corps Total Force; any person or organization using Army orMarine Corps controlled real estate or operational ranges;operational range training and target practice activities; militaryreal estate areas that are being or have been used as bombingranges; artillery impact areas or target areas; all areasdesignated for live fire weapos firing; recreational range s androd and gun club ranges located on Army or Marine Corps realproperty controlled by the Army or the Marine Corps; personneltraining outside the continental United States; and operationaltraining conducted on test and evaluation ranges (it does not applyto testing and evaluation conducted on such ranges). Thisregulation / order is advisory for deploye d units engaged incombat operations. Army or Marine Corps commanders will apply theprovisions of this regulation/order and/ or host nation agreementsas appropriate. Local standard operating procedures and rangepolicies will reinforce this regulation/ order. Contracts for workon Army/ Marine Corps ranges will comply with applicable provisionsof this regulation/order. During contingency operations, chaptersand policies contained in this regulation/order may be modified bythe Director Army Staff/Commandant of the Marine Corps.


This publication prescribes Army and Marine Corps range safetypolicies and responsibilities for firing ammunitions, lasers,guided missiles, demolitions, explosives, rockets, and the deliveryof bombs on Army and Marine Corps ranges and/or live-fire trainingfacilities. It also provides guidance for range safety programs insupport of range operations. For Army and Marine Corps users, DAPam 385–63 prescribes range safety standards and procedures to beused in conjunction with this publication. When standards in DA Pam385–63 conflict with standards of other military Services orFederal agencies, the standards providing the higher degree ofprotection apply. When training in other countries, applicable hostnation agreements supersede this publication and Department ofDefense directive (DODD) 4715.12.

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1 file , 120 KB


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ARMY AR 385-63
Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $18.00.