This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army NationalGuard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. ArmyReserve. It also applies to the U.S. Army Reserve Officer TrainingCorps and the National Defense Cadet Corps.
This regulation establishes policy related to the development ofall Army munitions requirements (war reserve, operational,training, and test), the prioritization of all Army munitions, andthe execution of risk and readiness assessments. It establishespolicy related to the integration of Army munitions management andthe role of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Gā3/5/7 (DCS, Gā3/5/7),Munitions Management Division (Department of the Army (DA) Gā37/Training (TRA)) as the focal point in establishing Army munitionsrequirements and prioritizing the resourcing of those requirements.It defines Army command (ACOM), Army Service component command(ASCC), and direct reporting unit (DRU) responsibilities within theArmy munitions requirements, prioritization, and integrationprocesses. It directs Army munitions management offices at alllevels to incorporate this policy into their written policies andprocedures as they are updated. This regulation applies duringpeacetime and during partial or full mobilization. It applies tomunitions in the Total Army Ammunition Authorizations andAllocations (TA4C) Committee worksheet located in Total AmmunitionManagement Information System (TAMIS). It also applies tonon-standard munitions unless specifically exempted in paragraph2ā1d.
- Edition:
- 15
- Published:
- 10/08/2015
- Number of Pages:
- 43
- File Size:
- 1 file , 120 KB
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