
ARMY AR 600-63

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.

This regulation applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard, U.S. ArmyReserve, and civilians employed by the Army. The provisions of chapter 4 applyto all visitors, contractors and their personnel, and personnel of otheragencies or businesses that operate within or visit Army workplaces.

This regulation prescribes policies and responsibilities for the ArmyHealth Promotion Program.

a. The goal of the Army Health Promotion Program is to maximize readiness, combat efficiency, and work performance.Objectives include enhancing the quality of life for all soldiers, Army civilians, family members and retirees, and encouraging lifestyles to improve and protect physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

b. The Army Health Promotion Program encompasses a variety of activities designed to facilitate behavioral and environmental alterations to improve or protect health.This includes a combination of health education and relatedorganizational, social, emotional, spiritual, and health care activities and initiatives.These are integrated to produce a single, comprehensive program.

c. Functionally, the components of health promotion consist of health promotion consist of all activities for members of the Total Army Family in the following areas:

 (1)Antitobacco. (2)Physical conditioning. (3)Weight control. (4)Nutrition. (5)Stress management. (6)Alcohol and drug abuse prevention and control. (7)Early identification of hypertension. (8)Suicide prevention. (9)Spiritual fitness. (10) Oral health.

d.In addition to the components listed above, health promotion necessarily includes other related activities.Theseinclude such things as physical and dental examinations, health risk appraisals, physical fitness facilities, recreationand leisure education and activities, as well as initiatives to promote social and emotional well-being.These activitiesare coordinated and integrated into a comprehensive Army Health Promotion Program called “Fit To Win.”

e.Operationally, health promotion is implemented and enhanced at the installation level through a health promotionprogram as provided in this regulation.

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ARMY AR 600-63
Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.