a. This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army NationalGuard, and the U.S. Army Reserve. It applies to personnel involvedin research, development, acquisition, and support of materielitems and systems. It also applies to weapon systems, AutomatedInformation Systems (AIS), National Security Systems (NSS),command, control, communications, and intelligence and electronicwarfare systems, special access programs (unless specificallyexcepted per program charter), computer resources integral to thoseitems or systems, system and non system training aids, devices,simulations and simulators, embedded training, and clothing andindividual equipment. It also applies to AIS where the Army is theexecutive agent for another organization andior an AIS is developedcooperatively with foreign governments, unless such organizationscan assure their compliance.
b. The portions of this regulation pertaining to ArmyAcquisition Workforce management apply to all Department of ArmyCivilians, Active Army, Army National Guard and US. Army Reservepersonnel serving in designated acquisition positions.
c. The following items do not fall within the purview of thisregulation:
(1) Materiel requirements for the US. Army Civil Works programexcept for information technology.
(2) Functional medical clothing and equipment listed in CTA8-100.
(3) Those distinctive articles of clothing and insignia worn andused by the US. Corps of Cadets, U.S. Military Academy.
(4) Centrally procured heraldic items in the initial andsupplemental clothing allowances (CTA 50-900).
(5) Other items as determined by HQDA and so directed afterproper Army Staff coordination.
This regulation implements the Army’s acquisition policy forACAT I through IV programs (table 4-1) and assigns responsibilitiesto Army organizations in accordance with Department of DefenseDirective (DoDD) 5000.1, and Department of Defense Regulation5000.2-R. The Army will follow the guidance and procedurescontained in DoDD 5000.1 and DoD 5000.2-R as a general model forACAT II, 111, and IV programs, while streamlining and tailoring theprocedures within statutory and program requirements. Thisregulation also establishes policies implementing the Army’sacquisition workforce management responsibilities (Title XII, PL101-510, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991,Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA), Departmentof Defense Directive 5000.52, Department of Defense Manual5000.52-M), and Department of Defense Instruction 5000.58 andClothing and Individual Equipment acquisition andresponsibilities.
- Edition:
- 97
- Published:
- 12/15/1997
- Number of Pages:
- 179
- File Size:
- 1 file , 4.4 MB
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