
ARMY AR TM 38-703

Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $22.00.

a. This manual is the first in a series of five Department of the Army technical manuals in the TM l:lH-703-series which presents guidance and procedures to be used in the application of lntegrated Logis tic ::lupport ( lL::l) to Army materiel. This is a disciplined management system used to plan, program, and provide for the total support required throughout the life cycle of an end ítem or system (AR 11-25) .

b. This series consists of five manuals as foi- IowS : 1

(1) TM 38-703, integrated Logistic Support (ILS)-Management Guide.

(2) TM 38-703-1, integrated Logistic Support (ILS)-Support integration.

(3) TM l:lH-703-2, integrated Lomstw Suppm ·t (ILS ) -Procedural Guide.

(4) TM 38-703-3, Integrated Logistic Suppm ·t (ILS ) -Maintenance b’ngmeenng A nalysis Data System.

( 5) TM 3H-703-4, lntegmted Logtstw Support (ILS)  -Procedural Guide.

These manuals will apply to support requirements for matenel procured by the Army for other services and Department of Defense agenCies. Yor joint service procurements and end ¡tems or systems whose proponency lies w1th Department of Defense, these manuals may be used as gmdance to Ú1sure Army reqmrements tor materíel support are met. 

c. The management system . descnbed in these · manuals is readHy adaptable to those items or systems which qualify for contract detinition (AR 705-5) . For items or systems which do not qualify for contract definition, sorne tmlormg of procedures cons1stent with the complexity of the 1tem or system will be required, although the lL::l management system IS applicable m all cases mvolvmg maintenance-significant materiel.

d. Reporting of errors, omissions, and recommendations for 1mprovmg this publication by the individual user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct to Commandmg Otticer, Letterkenny Army Depot, ATTN : AMXLE-NE, Chambersburg, Pa. 17201. 1-2.


a. The purpose of this series of manuals is to provide guidance to al! personnel concerned with implementation of AR 750-6 and involved in materiel support, beginning with management leve! activities and extending down through channels to operating leve! personnel. It is assumed that personnel assigned to managerial responsibilities in the materiel support area have had extensive experience in one of more elements of materiel support. For these readers, portions of these manuals may cover familiar material. However, the manuals will guide readers with limited prior experience or knowledge toward the kinds of judgments that have to be made in the materielsupport area.

b. These manuals define the concept of integrated logistic support planning and describe the actions and j udgments necessary to insure the orderly and systematic initiation, development, and monitoring of support planning and implementation of plans for materiel end items or systems during the four phases of the Army materiel life c!cle (i.e., concept formulation, contract defi¡Iibon, development and production, and operations and disposal) .

c. This series of manuals is also intended to describe the impact of integrated logistic support requirements have on the selection of scientific and technological approaches to long range military materiel considerations.

d. In summary, these manuals are intended to–

(1) Define the principal elements of integrated logistic support.

(2) Examine, in depth, the relationships among support elements, mission effectiveness, and cost effectiveness ; while each proposed support concept is being formulated, as the selection of concepts is made, and as their effectiveness evolves throughout the materiel life cycle.

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ARMY AR TM 38-703
Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $22.00.