
ARMY ARMY TM 5-858-2

Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $22.00.


a. This series of manuals, entitled DesigningFacilities to Resist Nuclear Weapon Effects, is organized asfollows:

TM 5-858-1 Facilities System Engineering

TM 5-858-2 Weapon Effects

TM 5-858-3 Structures

TM 5-858-4 Shock Isolation Systems

TM 5-858-5 Air Entrainment, Fasteners, Penetration Protection,Hydraulic-Surge Protective Devices, EMP Protective Devices

TM 5-858-6 Hardness Verification

TM 5-858-7 Facility Support Systems

TM 5-858-8 Illustrative Examples

A list of references pertinent to each manual is placed in anappendix. Additional appendixes and bibliographies are used, asrequired, for documentation of supporting information. Pertinentbibliographic material is identified in the text with the author’sname placed in parentheses. Such bibliographic material is notnecessary for the use of this manual; the name and source ofpublications related to the subject of this manual is provided forinformation purposes.

b. The purpose of this series of manuals is to provideguidance to engineers engaged in designing facilities that arerequired to resist nuclear weapon effects. It has been written forsystems, structural, mechanical, electrical, and test engineerspossessing state-of-the-art expertise in their respectivedisciplines, but having little knowledge of nuclear weapon effectson facilities. While it is applicable as general design guidelinesto all Corps of Engineers specialists who participate in designingpermanent military facilities, it has been written and organized onthe assumption a systems-engineering group will coordinate designof the facilities.

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ARMY ARMY TM 5-858-2
Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $22.00.