
ARMY ARMY TM 9-1300-214

Original price was: $102.00.Current price is: $51.00.

Chapter 2 is a history of the field of energetic materials.Chapter 3 divides the energetic materials field into threecategories: explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics. Chapter 4discusses the principles of chemistry and physics pertinent to theenergetic materials field. Chapter 5 is a description of the testsused to evaluate explosives. Both mandatory safety tests and testsused in the selection of particular compounds among the manyexplosive compounds are covered. Chapter 6 contains a descriptionof the tests used to evaluate propellants. Chapter 7 presentsdetailed information about the compounds that are used by theUnited States as initiating explosives. A discussion of primingcompositions is also included. Chapter 8 presents detailedinformation about the compounds that are used by the United Statesas booster and secondary explosives. Chapter 9 provides adiscussion of those mixtures of materials that are used aspropellants. Chapter 10 discusses the field of pyrotechnics.Foreign energetic materials are covered in Chapter 11. Safety andtoxicity considerations are discussed in Chapter 12. Basic methodsused to identify and detect energetic materials are presented inChapter 13. Chapter 14 presents information pertinent to thepacking, marking, storing, and shipping of energetic materials.Chapter 15 discusses disposal, destruction, decontamination, anddemilitarization of energetic materials. Pertinent data onexplosives and propellants are tabulated in Appendix A. Tables A-1through A-8 allow rapid comparison of the important characteristicsof the material. The bibliography is contained in Appendix B. Anindex for all material covered, referencing both paragraph and pagenumbers, concludes the contents of this manual.

Purpose. This manual is intended for use as atext for instruction or as a reference source in the field ofenergetic materials. Only the materials of interest in conventionalarmaments are covered; nuclear armaments are not.

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1 file , 23 MB


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ARMY ARMY TM 9-1300-214
Original price was: $102.00.Current price is: $51.00.