
AWS A4.3

Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $42.00.

This standard prescribes a standard weld test assembly, a standardmethod of test specimenpreparation, and two standard methods of analysis for determination ofdiffusible hydrogen frommartensitic, bainitic, and ferritic steel weld metals. The methods ofpreparation are suitable forshielded metal arc, gas metal arc, flux cored arc, and submerged arcwelding processes. Extensionof the methods of preparation to other processes, such as gas tungstenarc or plasma arc welding,are possible.

It is not the intent of this standard directly herein to classify arcwelding electrodes, fluxes,and gases according to the hydrogen content of welds produced fromthem. However, it is the intentof this standard that it be used as the standard test method forclassification purposes to bereferenced in individual filler metal specifications prepared by theAWS Committee on Filler Metaland its subcommittees.

In addition to its use for electrode classification purposes, it isthe intent of this standardthat it be used for quality conformance testing of arc weldingelectrodes, fluxes, and gases.

It is recommended that this standard be used for developing andreporting research results so thatthe results may be directly compared with those from otherlaboratories.

For purposes of electrode classification and quality conformancetesting, any requirementestablished based on the use of this standard must also be based on areference atmosphericcondition. If a reference condition is not specified in conjunctionwith diffusible hydrogenrequirements in the individual consumable standards, the recommendedreference condition in 6.6shall be used.

ANSI Approved
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AWS A4.3
Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $42.00.