
AWS B2.2/B2.2M

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $35.00.

This specification provides the requirements forqualification of Brazing Procedure Specifications (BPSs).This specification also provides requirements for theperformance qualification of brazers and brazing operators. Thisspecification is intended for use where referenced by aproduct standard or contract document.

Employers shall be responsible for the brazing done by theirorganization, including the use of qualified brazing procedures,qualified brazers, and qualified brazing operators. It is theEmployer’s responsibility to assure that Brazing ProcedureSpecifications meet any additional requirements of the ReferencingDocument. Each Employer shall maintain the applicable BrazingProcedure Specifications, Brazing Procedure Qualification Records(BPQRs), and Brazing Performance Qualification Records during theperiod of their use.

When not otherwise specified by the Referencing Document, theedition of this specification to be used shall be established inaccordance with the following: (1) editions may be used at any timeafter the effective date of issue; (2) the latest edition of thisdocument should be used for new contracts; (3) editions establishedby contract date may be used during the entire term of thecontract, or the provisions of later editions may be used whenagreed upon by the contracting parties.

This document is intended primarily for use with the followingbrazing processes:

(1) Torch Brazing (TB)

(2) Furnace Brazing (FB)

(3) Induction Brazing (IB)

(4) Resistance Brazing (RB)

(5) Dip Brazing (DB)

(6) Infrared Brazing (IRB)

(7) Diffusion Brazing (DFB)

This standard makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and theInternational System of Units (SI). The latter are shown withinbrackets ([ ]) or in appropriate columns in tables and figures. Themeasurements may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each systemmust be used independently.

Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the scope ofthis standard and therefore are not fully addressed herein. Safetyand health information is available from other sources, including,but not limited to, ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, andAllied Processes, and applicable federal, state, and localregulations.

Base Metals. The grouping of base metals byBase Metal Number (BM No.) in Table B.1 has been made on the basisof metallurgical compatibility, chemical composition, andbrazeability to decrease the number of required brazingqualifications. The grouping does not imply that base metals may beindiscriminately substituted within the same BM No. withoutconsideration of their applicability. For some materials orcombinations of materials, additional tests may be required by theprocuring activity, the Referencing Document, or the designengineer.

Base metals are identified by their American Society forTesting and Materials (ASTM), American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), orUnified Numbering System (UNS) designations. Cross referencespecifications, listed in the Unified Numbering System for Metalsand Alloys opposite a given UNS No., are included in the same BMNo. group as the given UNS No. An American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME) designation, which is the same as an ASTMdesignation preceded by the letter S, is included in the same BMNo. group.

Eight categories are included as follows:

(1) Ferrous metals (BM Nos. 100 through 180)

(2) Aluminum and aluminum alloys (BM Nos. 200 through 220)

(3) Copper and copper alloys (BM Nos. 300 through 360)

(4) Nickel and nickel alloys (BM Nos. 400 through 420)

(5) Titanium and titanium alloys (BM No. 500)

(6) Zirconium and zirconium alloys (BM No. 600)

(7) Magnesium alloys (BM No. 700)

(8) Cobalt alloys (BM No. 800)

Filler Metals. The grouping of filler metals byFiller Metal Number (FM No.) in Table C.1 has been made on thebasis of chemical composition to decrease the number of requiredbrazing qualifications. The grouping does not imply that fillermetals may be indiscriminately substituted within the same FM No.without consideration of their applicability. AWSA5.8/A5.8M, Specification for Filler Metals forBrazing and Braze Welding, provides detailedrequirements and general applicability of filler metals.

Filler metals other than those listed in AWSA5.8/5.8M may be used provided such filler metal meets thequalification requirements of this specification. For suchfiller metals, the term “special” shall be listed on the BPS andBPQR in lieu of an FM No.

ANSI Approved
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AWS B2.2/B2.2M
Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $35.00.