

Original price was: $316.00.Current price is: $158.00.

This specification establishes the requirements for AWScertification of resistance welding technicians. It describes howpersonnel are certified, and the principles of conduct and practiceby which certification may be maintained. Any oral or written claimof certification under the guidelines established herein shall bemade only by those individual Certified Resistance WeldingTechnicians (CRWTs) who are, at the time of the claim, current andin compliance with all clauses of this specification.

In the certification process, AWS conducts an examination todetermine a person’s general knowledge of the resistance weldingprocesses and related technical areas. No determination is made ofan individual’s capabilities in applying that knowledge within aspecific work environment, nor under actual working conditions.

In the certification process, the employer is responsible fordetermining that a person has specific capabilities required for agiven work assignment and other qualifications as statedherein.

It shall be the responsibility of the employers to determinethat the CRWT is capable of performing the duties involved in theirparticular welding environment, and to provide or make availablesuch training or indoctrination as may be required.

This specification is intended to supplement the requirements ofan employer, code, or other documents and shall not be construed asa preemption of the employer’s responsibility for the work or forthe performance of the work.

Safety Precautions. This document is notintended to address safety and health matters regarding the CRWT.Safety and health requirements are provided in ANSI Z49.1,Safety in Welding, Cutting, and AlliedProcesses1 and other safety and health standards,and federal, state, and local government regulations. This documentonly covers the rules of personnel certification.

1 ANSI Z49.1 is published by the American WeldingSociety, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.

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Original price was: $316.00.Current price is: $158.00.