This is Volume 3 of the Welding Handbook, the third ofthe five-volume series in the Ninth Edition. Following thepublication of Welding Handbook Volume 1, Welding Science andTechnology, the Welding Handbook Committee determined thatone volume could no longer contain the process technology describedin the 29 chapters of Volume 2, Eighth Edition; thus Volume 2 andVolume 3 of the Ninth Edition were designed to accommodate theexpanded information. Welding Processes, Part 1 presentedupdated information on are welding and cutting, the gas processes,brazing, and soldering. This volume, Welding Processes, Part 2 isdevoted to information on resistance welding, solid state processesand other joining and cutting methods. Volumes 4 and 5 of the NinthEdition of the Welding Handbook will address welding materials andapplications.
Volume 3 contains updated resistance welding chapters: spot andseam welding, projection welding, flash and upset welding,high-frequency welding, and resistance welding equipment. Thechapter on friction welding has been updated, and new in thisedition, a separate chapter on the developing process variation,friction stir welding, has been added. Other chapters areultrasonic welding, explosion welding, adhesive bonding, thermalspraying and cold spraying, diffusion welding and diffusionbrazing. The chapters on electron beam welding and laser beamwelding and cutting contain significantly expanded technology. Thelast chapter, Other Welding and Cutting Processes, containsinformation on two new or revitalized processes, magnetic pulsewelding, and electro-spark depositing. New information is presentedon water jet cutting, which is reappearing in many currentapplications as a modern, efficient process.
A table of contents of each chapter is outlined on the coverpage, and a subject index with cross-references appears at the endof the volume. A major subject index of this volume and previouseditions of the Welding Handbook is included. Appendices Aand B are lists of safety standards, and Appendix C presents a listof SI/inch-pound conversions of commonly used pressure units.
The chapters in this volume reflect the dramatic changes broughtinto welding processes over the past decade by the precise controlof welding parameters made possible with digital controls andmicroprocessors as applied to new techniques and advancedmaterials. To meet the challenge of including this expandedtechnology, each chapter was prepared by a committee made up ofhighly qualified experts enthusiastic about the subject process,and headed by a chapter chair with an admirable dedication to thedetails of infusing state-of the-art information into the basics ofthe processes. All committee members are volunteers who generouslydevoted countless hours of personal time to the chapters.
One hundred and ten American Welding Society volunteerscontributed to this book, representing university, government, andprivate welding research and development institutions,manufacturers of welding equipment and materials, andmanufacturers, fabricators, and welders who use thistechnology.
- Edition:
- 9
- Published:
- 01/01/2007
- Number of Pages:
- 615
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